OptiChamber is intended for computational modeling of optical pump chambers (solid state laser pump cavities) containing
- flash lamp, arc lamp or diode pumping unit
- laser rod or laser slab being pumped
- surrounding reflector, surfaces and medium
- pump chamber optical elements (tubes, filters, coolant)
The software implies 2D geometry. Version 1.3 of the software provides modeling of stationary pumping for seven different configurations, including conventional cylindrical, elliptical, close packed and other conventional cavities as well as user defined cavities.
The package simulates reflection, scattering, absorption, refraction, polarization for all pump chamber elements and surfaces. It includes spectra of variety of laser elements and pump sources.
The modeling software package yields graphical and numerical output files for reporting and calculations:
- two-dimensional distribution of the power density absorbed in the area of active medium
- histogram of area distribution for different levels of the absorbed power density
- maximum value of the absorbed power density
- total lineal (per unit length) power absorbed in the active medium
- efficiency, the ratio of total power absorbed in the active medium to total power emitted by the lamp or diode
Optichamber is a professional software for instant use; it has a simple, convenient interface. Input windows include explanatory graphics. Popup help supports almost every screen element.
Optichamber can be used for education in optics and lasers
Demo and User Guide allow evaluation and understanding of the OptiChamber.
Download demo files, open them in ONE directory and start Setup. (MS Internet Explorer users may click the right button of the mouse and choose "Save target as").